
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Liveticker zum Euro-Gipfel: Banken brauchen 106 Milliarden Euro

Liveticker zum Euro-Gipfel: Banken brauchen 106 Milliarden Euro Der Brüsseler Gipfel läuft. Die Aufgabe: Rettung des Euro. Die entscheidende Frage: Wie hoch fällt der "Haircut" der Griechen aus? Wieviel Geld Europas Banken brauchen, steht fest. Alle Infos im Liveticker. Die europäischen Banken müssen mit 106,45 ... Liveticker zum Euro-Gipfel: Banken brauchen 106 Milliarden Euro

Tusk o szansach premierów spoza euro na kierowanie Radą Europejską

Tusk o szansach premierów spoza euro na kierowanie Radą Europejską Zdaniem premiera Donalda Tuska fakt, że ten sam polityk kieruje Radą Europejską i strefą euro nie powinien uniemożliwić Polsce ubiegania się kiedyś o stanowisko szefa RE. "Mam nadzieję, że w tej wieloletniej perspektywie, Polska będzie już w euro" ... Tusk o szansach premierów spoza euro na kierowanie Radą Europejską

Yasugi house burned down two death

Yasugi house burned down two death Around 2:10 am on May 26, 奥田原 Hirose Yasugi city, Ms. Hiromi Moriyoshi roofers (79) Good fire and burned down two buildings total approximately 118 square meters apart and the wooden two-story wooden one-story main building, Two bodies found from the ruins of the main house. Yasugi Station is鶴子Satoshi Moriyoshi and his wife's whereabouts are not know.Yasugi house burned down two death

Residents in flood-prone Bangkok urged to leave

Residents in flood-prone Bangkok urged to leave Women walk through a flooded Bangkok street on Thursday. Flood waters are now threatening to disrupt Thailand's tourism industry while the country experiences it's worst flooding in 50 years. BANGKOK — Thai authorities urged residents in flood-prone ... Residents in flood-prone Bangkok urged to leave

Weifu Tech (200581) main report third quarter of 2011

Weifu Tech (200581) main report third quarter of 2011 Misleading statements or material omissions, and the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the joint and several liability. 1.2 The third quarterly financial report has not been audited. Quarterly report to ensure that financial reports are true and complete. 3.1 The main accounting statements and financial indicators of changes and the reasons √ Applicable □ Not applicable notes receivable than the beginning of the year ...Weifu Tech (200581) main report third quarter of 2011

Blanco se reúne mañana con las empresas del consorcio adjudicatario del AVE a ...

Blanco se reúne mañana con las empresas del consorcio adjudicatario del AVE a ... El ministro de Fomento, José Blanco, se reunirá mañana jueves, 27 de octubre, en la sede del Ministerio con las empresas que conforman el consorcio que ha resultado adjudicatario de la construcción y explotación del AVE La Meca-Medina. ... Blanco se reúne mañana con las empresas del consorcio adjudicatario del AVE a ...

Democratic joint meeting, to embody consumption tax hike

Democratic joint meeting, to embody consumption tax hike Tax Commission and Tax Commission together with social security reform of the Democratic Party the evening of 26 meeting on the first joint conference, "consumption tax hike to 10% until the mid-2010s," the ruling party proposed legislation pillar and integrated reform began discussions toward. Government, party leaders, "2015 (hike)," and stating on December ...Democratic joint meeting, to embody consumption tax hike


十件敦煌藏经洞文献真迹在沪亮相(组图) 昨晚,第十三届中国上海国际艺术节"敦煌韵·丝路情甘肃省文化周"的开幕大戏大型乐舞《敦煌韵》在上海大剧院与申城观众见面。1000余名中外观众共同观摩演出。 昨天下午,上海世博会纪念馆也迎来了敦煌的艺术精品《敦煌艺 ... 十件敦煌藏经洞文献真迹在沪亮相(组图)

Wenger added injury Zan Park Joo-young said the excellent Harmony

Wenger added injury Zan Park Joo-young said the excellent Harmony By Tong Mu Arsenal and Bolton's home League Cup this duel, gunmen earlier lost a case of ball to win the final 2-1, Aisha Cloud and Park Chu-young Arsenal were meritorious deeds. Added after the game Wenger admitted that Arsenal does have some luck to win, in addition to professors there said the war games back in the final stages of the reason why Harmony is probably due to injury was Ruti appear repeatedly. ...Wenger added injury Zan Park Joo-young said the excellent Harmony

飛宏暫居電源獲王 前3季EPS 4.51元 盤中急拉漲幅逾5%

飛宏暫居電源獲王 前3季EPS 4.51元 盤中急拉漲幅逾5% 飛宏(2457-TW)由於去年現金減資瘦身,效益浮現,今年雖然消費性電子產品不旺,且原物料、大陸工資高漲,今年前3季稅後淨利12.38億元,較去年同期14.01億元下滑11.6%,但前3季每股稅後盈餘達4.51元,仍優於去年同期的4.03元。到目前為止,飛宏暫居電源族群的前3季財報獲利 ... 飛宏暫居電源獲王 前3季EPS 4.51元 盤中急拉漲幅逾5%

逾六成现金买信托 迪康药业疑为大股东融资铺路

逾六成现金买信托 迪康药业疑为大股东融资铺路 10 月12 日,迪康药业股东大会通过将不超过1.5亿元资金委托给中铁信托理财的议案。而此前,在去年2月份,这家上市公司已将1.2亿元委托给中铁信托。 记者发现,几乎同一时间,迪康药业大股东四川蓝光实业集团(下称:蓝光 ... 逾六成现金买信托 迪康药业疑为大股东融资铺路

Three generations of successive Turkish earthquake rescue miracles

Three generations of successive Turkish earthquake rescue miracles Oct. 25, 48 hours after the earthquake, a 2-week-old baby girl and her mother and grandmother in three has been successfully rescued from the rubble, to create a miracle. The picture shows the 2 weeks-old baby girl were rescued. According to the latest news, 23 in a strong earthquake in eastern Turkey has caused 459 deaths and 1352 injuries, racing against time to rescue work is commenced.Three generations of successive Turkish earthquake rescue miracles


日本财务大臣安住淳:对投机性汇率波动感到担心 【免责声明】本文仅代表作者本人观点,与和讯网无关。和讯网站对文中陈述、观点判断保持中立,不对所包含内容的准确性、可靠性或完整性提供任何明示或暗示的保证。请读者仅作参考,并请自行承担全部责任。 日本财务大臣安住淳:对投机性汇率波动感到担心

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